Category: Live Reviews



Howler have received a lot of positive press recently. They’ve just finished supporting the (over-hyped) Vaccines and there’s some similarities

The Kills

The Kills

The Kills are one of my favourite bands. I love their rough lo-fi garage sound. I love Hince’s feedback ladened

The Blanks

The Blanks

The Blanks are better known as ‘Ted’s Band’ from the US comedy ‘Scrubs’. If you’ve not seem Scrubs (and why

Tim McGraw

Tim McGraw

Well this is something I never expected to see on my review site. A review of a country music gig.

The Kills

The Kills

Why do bands start tours before their new album is released? Surely gigs work better when the audience is aware

She & Him

She & Him

Ok I’ll admit this before starting, I love Zooey Deschanel kookiness so I probably afford her a few sins that