Sick Joy at the Horn
When Grunge came along it was a breath of fresh air kicking over the heavy rock anthill with a directness and energy metal and heavy rock had lost. Then it went away. But I forgot why it was time for it to end. Tonight, Sick Joy reminded me why.
Sick Joy wear their influences on their sleeves. Clearly influenced by early 90s grunge. You can hear Nirvana’s influence in pretty much every song. At one point they even did a short refrain from it ‘Smells Like Teen Spirit’. That moment reminded my why grunge went away. The cleverness of Nirvana to mix light with dark and heavy with quiet was what differentiate them from what came after. Many of the bands influenced by Nirvana and Dinosaur Jr seemed to focus on the heavy, dark side of grunge. Focusing on three minute long, three cord blasts with no shade. Sick Joy on this hearing, sadly fell into this category. That doesn’t mean they weren’t enjoyable. They were. I just expected more than bog standard grunge.
Support came from BEX and Perfect Strangers