Talk Show at Rough Trade
I have been a big fan of Talk Show. They came through with other post punk bands and burst on the scene with several energetic shows. It was great to catch them playing Rough Trade for the release of their second EP and hearing what they had been up to during lockdown. Surprisingly, their sound has shifted. The new sound seems to have picked up some dance music vibes with drummer Chloe laying down tight EDM beat patterns. Harrison’s vocals have moved to the fashionable ‘talk singing’ that seems to becoming even more popular since Yard Act hit the scene. If I am honest the change in sound was a bit of a shock. It took a few songs for me to be comfortable with their new direction. I have to admit, I prefer my music more raw. But I found myself dancing away more than I have done perviously. So I’m not going to complain. Their new sound works for them and clearly it was working for me.