December Review
This month’s bands
New bands are in italics
Bands I liked:
Josh T Pearson, Savages, James McVinnie, Dronningen, Shopping, The Wharves, Queen Kwong, Pictish Trail, Kid Canaveral, Tough Love, Seamus Fogarty, British Sea Power, Jock Scott, Serac, Clowwns, Membranes, Battery Hens, FAWN, Evelinn Trouble
Bands I didn’t dislike:
Jono McCleery, HART, Mara Carlyle, Liam Byrne, Kay Reyes, Jennylee, Loom, The Carnabys, Exit Black, GAPS, Go Go Cult, Inca Babies, The Golden Dregs. GANG, The Graphite Set
Bands I won’t be going out of my way to see again:
Little Pebbles, Man With Feathers, Echo Parade, Nocturne
Best gig:
There were several great gigs this month. Josh T Pearson playing a Christmas gig in the small Rough Trade West and British Sea Power celebrating Christmas in energetic style were both enjoyable gigs. Queen Kwong was close to being the best gig. She put on an excellent show at the Barfly. But with the Savages showcasing new material and playing a small venue, it felt pretty special.
Best new band:
Tiny small venues can work in the favour of bands. In this case, Dronningen’s energy level was impressive. Definitely a band I’ll catch again.
Albums of the month:
- The Glass Trunk – Richard Dawson
- Monastic Living – Parquet Courts
- City Lake – Bing and Ruth