
An evening’s with the Krautrock band Camera. Krautrock’s a genre I have to admit, I’ve not explored greatly. There’s an element of British Sea Power’s sound that has a bit of ‘Krautrockness’. But other than Camera, I’ve not listened to any band that’s been classified under this sub genre. The only reason I know about Camera is through a sampler disk of Berlin music picked up at SXSW. So I didn’t know what to expect.

The evening started well, with a great sounding Elephantantrum
Elephantantrum supporting Camera at the Shacklewell Arms

Baba Naga supporting Camera at the Shacklewell Arms
Baba Naga also put in a good set.

Camera at the Shacklewell Arms
Camera followed closed the evening with a great set. Unfortunately,as with many Shacklewell gigs, this evening over ran, so I missed some of the set. But what I heard sounded great.